Patti Stiles studied improvisation at the Loose Moose Theatre (Canada) with Keith Johnstone. Since then she has taught and performed impro all over the world, performed on stage and television, has been nominated for various theatre awards and has been Artistic Director of 3 improvisation companies. She has created the formats Momentos De La Vida, How The West Was Improvised, Quotable Women and co-created Lugares, This Is A Pipe, The Story Thieves, Mr. Fish and his Spooky Library of the Impro Macabre and is an original member of Die Nasty – the live improvised soap opera. Her mentorship inspired The Spontaneity Shop and she regularly coaches groups such as Austentacious, I Bugardini, Teatro a Molla, Smoking Sofa and Closer Each Day. Patti also has a duo with Joe Bill called Our Play. Currently she is co-artistic director of Impro Melbourne and serves on the Artistic Committee for the ITI.

More information:



Patti Stiles presents QUOTABLE WOMEN

Friday Oct. 5th, 2018 at 7.30 pm

Quotable Women is a celebration of women improvisors. Using quotes from notable women throughout history as inspiration, Quotable Women will take us on a playful expedition into the often untold stories of women. Power, submission, lust, love, sexuality, body image, success, politics, friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, whores, virgins and lovers. Join this all female cast on a journey from concubine to feminist, from damsel in distress to patriarchal working woman.

Quotable Women was created by Patti Stiles to acknowledge and celebrate women who inspire from all walks of life. The cast are asked to share quotes that connect with them personally as a stimulus. The result is an evening of powerful female voices, triggering the imaginations of a female cast, in a space allowing the cast to step into the challenge of playing characters and stories which they do not normally encountered in other improvisational forms.


Sometimes the best yes is a NO!

Saturday Oct. 6th, 2018, 3.30 pm – 6.30 pm – fully booked – waitlist!

Learning to accept each other’s offers is vital in improvisation. However, many improvisers end up being trained in a pavlovian response to create improvisation through a cycle of offer – say yes – offer – say yes. Scenes go around in circles, more and more ideas are thrown in and nothing really happens. This is due to people being trained to say yes to an idea. But this workshop will show you that sometimes the best Yes is a NO!


Workshop Fee     € 50
Duration     3 hours
Location     Rehearsal Room TAG – Gumpendorfer Str. 67/4, 1060 Vienna



Explore the purpose of your character

Sunday Oct. 7th, 2018, 1.30 pm – 6.30 pm

Many of the genres we perform have characters that were created to reflect society of the time. Even if the author set the story in a different time, the actions or behaviours of the characters represented the social sensibility of the reader. These acceptable social rules were heavily categorised into male and female behaviour. Today’s world is different. Our social dynamics and ‘rules’ of engagement encompass more freedom then rules of the past yet our storytelling is still shackled to historical roles. For example, if we continue to categorise behaviour by gender, in reflection of today’s world, are we not perpetuating a form of sexism? Do the actions need to be linked to the gender for the story to be told? Do the stories remain genre ‘true’ regardless of ‘gender’ casting? By questioning, challenging and exploring the purpose of the character in the story and removing the gender assumptions we break open new levels of impro play and possibilities. The effects on the audience are really quite interesting.


Workshop Fee     € 80
Duration     5 hours
Location     LYMA – Loquaiplatz 12 Top 1, 1060 Vienna



See you in a MOMENT!

TAG - Theater an der Gumpendorfer Straße