Part 1: Vid Sodnik presents CHAIRS

The essence of the format is playfulness and looking at the space and objects on stage and going through different options with setting up a scene. We play with different compositions as well as with rhythm of scenes.

In this show we use chairs and tables as inspiration to set up a scene. The audience will see a variety of scenes inspired by the position of the furniture. In between scenes the performers explore in mid-dark different options of setting up a scene. When the scene is set, the lights go up and the scene starts.

The performance Chairs, which has been designed by members of the international collective Ohana – Vid Sodnik and Gerald Weber and perfected by IGLU, looks for inspiration in the positional layout of the performing space. The rhythm and the content of scenes are dictated by the layout of stage furniture. Let’s imagine that stage props are not merely there as a requisite to help the content, but are its main creators. Let’s imagine that everyday objects are not only tools of our lives but their main determiners!


Part 2: Nadine Antler presents BLACKOUT

When people are tied together in one place for an indefinite period of time, everything is new territory. There is room for warmth and community. New, unexpected connections emerge. But in the same way, old wounds can open up when tension can’t make its way out. Who are you when you are forced into a place and a community, when routines, rituals, and mundanities are taken from you? What is important to you then, and how important are the others? In this improvised play, every personal decision becomes a decision for the community.


See you in a MOMENT!

TAG - Theater an der Gumpendorfer Straße